1973 the beginning of the enterprise under the name «Союзэлеваторстрой» - the number of workers contemplate 180 people.

In 1980 the company changed the name to "Latvian construction management Союзэлеваторстрой " - the number of workers contemplate 224 people.

In 1987 the company renamed to the “ССМУ Министерства хлебопродуктов Латвийской ССР “- the number of workers contemplate 220 people.

In 1988 the company was renamed to “ ССМУ РПО Латвхлебопродукт “ - number of workers contemplate  220 people.

1991 based on the company was  created a limited responsibility specialized construction erection department "Dzirnakmens" - the number of workers contemplate 150 people.